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Basic SWAT

July 21 @ 8:00 am - July 25 @ 5:00 pm

This is the Basic S.W.A.T. course that will cover every area of tactics for a basic operator. This will be an intense course that will be physically and mentally demanding. Some of the tactical areas that will be covered is an overview of S.W.A.T. physical fitness for the S.W.A.T. operator, CQB Thresh hold evaluation, tactical dynamic and static room clearing, combative fighting for close quarters with and without weapons, tactical firearms (handgun, rifles, submachine gun), ballistic shields, down man rescue, entry drills, dry/live fire vehicle takedowns, legal issue for the S.W.A.T. operator, SWAT callouts during night operations dry/live fire evolutions, use of tactical Robot, SIMS evolutions and several more intense block of instructions.

Equipment needed:

  1. Duty handgun and holster
  2. If available duty rifle, submachine gun
  3. Gas mask mandatory with filter
  4. Tactical entry and protective kit including helmet (TACTICAL GEAR)
  5. If available elbow and knee pads
  6. 1 of each – smoke, gas CN or CS and flash bang
  7. Ammo – handgun – 450 rounds
  8. Ammo – rifle –350 rounds
  9. Ammo – submachine gun -350 rounds
  10. flashlight / secondary light
  11. Ballistic shield
  12. Rap around Eye protection, hearing protection is mandatory
  13. Ballistic vest or tactical vest is mandatory (helment)
  14. Recommend gloves, boots, baseball style hat, BDU style pants
  15. Plenty of water
  16. Outlines are mandatory- will be handed out in classroom or on college website.
  17. SIMS handgun 9mm, 50 rounds of SIMS if available.

If you have any questions, please contact us by emailing LETrain@rccc.edu.


July 21 @ 8:00 am
July 25 @ 5:00 pm
Event Tags:


south campus
1531 Trinity Church Rd
Concord, NC United States