Campus Safety & Security

North Campus

Reporting Emergencies on Campus

Red emergency phones are located in each building throughout the campus to report any fire, medical, or security emergency, or you may dial “0″ on any office phone to contact the switchboard. Please report the type of emergency, the location, and your name so appropriate personnel may be notified. On most occasions, security personnel are located in the parking lot and are available for assistance. In Building 400, call stations are on the first and second floors that connect directly with the campus switchboard.

Security personnel are on campus to serve and protect employees and students. We urge you to report any suspicious persons or anything out of the ordinary in the buildings or parking lots to a security officer or the switchboard. Upon request, security personnel will escort you to your vehicle for added protection.


Safety & Security Statistics

Offense 2013 2014 2015
Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaugher 0 0 0
Negligent Manslaughter 0 0 0
Sex Offense – Forcible 0 0 0
Sex Offense – Non-Forcible 0 0 0
Domestic Violence 0 0 0
Dating Violence 0 0 0
Stalking 0 1 1
Robbery 0 0 0
Aggravated Assault 0 0 0
Burglary 0 0 1
Motor Vehicle Theft 0 0 0
Arson 0 0 0
Hate Crimes 0 0 0