Call to order by Charles White at 12:15 p.m.

Roll Call


President – Latosha Tulloch

Vice-President –Xavier Evans

Secretary/Treasurer – Liana Walker

Membership Officer – Bobby Ingram

Public Information Officer (North) – Tyler Tomlin

Public Information Officer (South) – Romelo House

Parliamentarian-Charles White (present)

Academic Senators: (Open positions)

Public Service-OPEN

Engineering and Business Technologies-Reese Schiff

Science, Biotechnology, Mathematics, and information Technologies- Mark Wetherby (Absent)

Health and Education-Open

Liberal Arts and Education-Open

Club Senators:


AHR Chillers – Larry Newcomb

Automotive/Skills USA – Alice Stevens

CKEC- Katarina Schauss

Cosmetology- Allison Cameron

Criminal Justice- Donald Stegall (Absent October)

Early Childhood – Michelle Stevenson

LIFT – Ryan Rich

MISTER – O’Michael White

PBL – Caroline Shue

PTK- Anthony Martino (Absent October)

Prism – Ron Reasons

Radiography – Stacy Burgess

RCEC – Faith Kenyon

Rotaract- Hee Kang (Absent October)

SNA – Kristy Swaringen (Absent October)

Veteran’s Club – Alvaro Rosero

Welding – Teri Reasons

W.O.W. – Shakita Ellis


Dental Assisting

Approval of Minutes:

Approval of minutes from October 4th, 2016-General Business Meeting


Parliamentarian Report

• N4CSGA (State Conference Charles White also serves as N4CSGA Central Division Chair)

Unfinished Business:


New Business:

Officer Transition and Elections – Resignation of Timothy Vincent. New SGA President, Latosha Tulloch. SGA Constitution Article VI, Dismissal or Resignation of an Officer. The president’s office is to be filled by the Vice President. IN case any other offices are vacated due to dismissal or resignation, the SGA Senate shall be charged with filling the vacant office with a member from the existing group of SGA delegate in the two (2) Senate Meetings.
Open nominations for Vice President position. Charles White, Parliamentarian, introduced candidates who made short speeches and then left the meeting room in order to allow the meeting participants to vote.

  •  I, Liana Walker, nominate myself for the Vice President position. Daphne Moore, seconded the motion.
     Liana Walker 7-0-0
  •  I, Xavier Evans, nominate myself for the Vice President position. Larry, Newcomb, seconded the motion.
     Xavier Evans- 8-0-0

Club Charter Approvals

  •  I, Xavier Evans, from Student Government Officer make a motion that all charter renewal forms be approved as presented. On November 1st, 2016. Larry Newcomb second this motion from CBTC. Motion passed

Club Charters Revoked

  •  Larry Newcomb, AHR Chillers, motioned for the following club charters to be revoked: Health & Fitness and Racing. It was seconded by Reese Schiff. Motion passed

Club Reports:

AHR Chiller- 1) Senator attended the September SGA Business Meeting on Tuesday, September 6th. along with both club advisors. Senator attempted to attend NavSync training on September 30th but times were changed with no notice given to those already set to attend the original training times.2) Chillers Club Executive Committee met on Tuesday, 6 September for their monthly meeting which addressed lottery events. student meetings, fundraisers, charter paperwork, club constitution additional upcoming events significant to AHR Program and ASHRAE Student Chapter. Committee unanimously voted in new Treasurer, Reese Schiff, pending student approval.
3) Chillers Club completed two September Fall Lottery events. (a) CIub provided 9 student volunteers for the United Way Cabarrus, Habitat for Humanity Thrivent Home work in Concord on Thursday. September 1. (b) ChiIIers Club provided 10 student volunteers for the International Celebration (formerly Hispanic Heritage Food Tasting) at South Campus, Wednesday, September 28. 4) Chillers Club student meetings were held during the week of Saturday, 10 September through Thursday, 15 September. Students voted on various items such as: (a) Approved. via simple majority vote, to spend up to $250 of Club funds for fundraising needs for this semester; (b) Approved, via simple majority vote, for Reese Schiff to become the Club Treasurer; (c) Students approved Club Constitution with no changes; (d) Approved, by simple majority vote, the spending of $125 of Club funds for the top three student finishers in the upcoming 3rd Annual CBTC Chili Cook-off. 5) Club sponsored the RCCC ASHRAE Chapter meeting held on Wednesday night, 14 September. Students filled out membership forms to join ASHRAE and learned what ASHRAE is and how that professional organization helps them. Learning about scholarship opportunities and grant funding for equipment and some competitions through ASHRAE. Three students also attended the monthly ASHRAE training luncheon held in Charlotte at Byron’s South End on Thursday, September 1st along with both advisors, AHR Chair and faculty. 6) Encouraged student participation and volunteering and making suggestions.

Automotive/Skills USA – In October we held a Car Care Clinic and we did a briefing of the CEP calendar. We discussed having a social gathering outside of the college. We have set up a date for the yard sale as our fundraiser.

CKEC (Cabarrus/Kannapolis Early College) – This week we are ending our annual can food drive. We will be holding another pep-rally at the end of this week with our school to announce Grade level winners. On Monday representatives will be attending the Hunger Drive Finale to determine school winners in the county.

Cosmetology – No Report

Criminal Justices- On October 28, 2016 we held our first monthly business meeting after using September meeting for new members. We are currently filling our leadership positions. We also, worked our chosen Student Government event on Wednesday, October 26,2016 (Voter’s registration) on North Campus.

Dental Assisting – No report – absent

Early Childhood- Our first meeting went great. We currently have seventeen members. At our meeting we voted on our constitution and elected our broad. President: Michelle Stevenson, Vice President: Nicole Hamlin, Secretary: Robert Haffman, Treasurer: Ashely Brooks. We asked for volunteers for our last Club Lottery. Also discussed upcoming lotteries. Next club meeting is November 16, 2016 on South campus at 6pm in building 2000, room 2235.

L.I.F.T. – L.I.F.T has bible studies every week on Wednesday’s and Friday’s, Wednesday’s from 12:15-1 and Friday’s from 12-1. Finishing group projects, and discussing future worship events.

M.I.S.T.E.R. – M.I.S.T.E.R will be having our next meeting November 8th on North Campus and 10th of November on South Campus. Also this month M.I.S.T.E.R will be doing community service with Winecoff Elementary School. On November 9th M.I.S.T.E.R will be working the Blood Drive event on North Campus.

Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) – During the month of October, we’ve reached out to classes to see if we could come speak to their students about joining PBL. We also decided on and started our fundraiser. We will be talking to one class this week and keep on trying to recruiting more members. We also held our region PBL chapter meeting and that was a success.

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)- PTK induction ceremony prospector Cathy Green, Director of the Catawba Center for the Environment spoke. PTK t-shirts and wristbands for PTK awareness honors in action project to volunteer at Catawba Center for the Environment. Donations for Animal Shelter and Better Women Shelter to be placed outside of Ginger Fox’s office.
Prism- Last month, we gained a few more members. Still working on communication between North and South campuses. We are working on our service project.

Radiography – October 6, 2016- Wrote four articles for student health 101, October 13,2016- Dinner for PTSD Veterans Community Project 4-6 pm, October 14, 2016 Breast Cancer Awareness Campus Project (North 7-11 & South 12-4), October 15,2016- Fall Festival (Lottery event), October 19, 2016- club meeting 10 minutes and Homeless Veterans Community Project 1-3:30pm. Future Items: November 21,2016 – Complete Community Project, December 1, 2016- Write four articles for Student Health 101 ( Lottery events), November and December club meetings.

RCEC – We are currently planning for our dance this Friday as well as our spirit week. The spirit week consists of orange and black day, twin day, blue out day, tropical day, and spirit day. We are planning a donation drive for the other Early Colleges affected by the Hurricane Matthew. The donation box will be in the front office and all of the profit made from the dance will also be donated.

Rotaract – Collection Drive in conjunction with Cabarrus Rotary. We collected 15 cases of water and 60 pounds of food to send to the victims of Hurricane Matthew. Our next meeting will be November 15th, 2016. Random Act of Kindness event November 16, 2016

Student Nursing Association (SNA) – Leah Thomas, Interim for SNA; no new current information to report.
Veterans Club – We went over community and campus projects. Volunteered during Fall Fest. Worked on our club constitution and came up with great ideas for our campus project involving more hands on experience for students and faculty to dress like military or something close. Also, had our first official club meeting and worked on getting new shirts for future members, and possible Spring trips to the Highland games.

Welding – We had an advisor meeting in October to discuss the dynamics of the club, including the off campus project and to set the club charter. For the month of November, we will have a meeting to discuss club-wide plans for the off campus project, as well as our holiday/ thanksgiving dinner the last Tuesday before Thanksgiving break. We plan on having all issues addressed by the end of this meeting.

W.O.W – Club meeting was held on September 16th. We voted on our new constitution. Talked about NAVsync Community events. Went over Roberts rules. Next meeting is October 7th @ 11am in the student center. New W.OW. logo was also finished and ready for use on 9/29. Dates for our events are still being determined. We plan on doing a hot coca event & the Ronald McDonald House.

Gas Card Winners:

(South Campus) Daphne Moore
(North Campus) Faith Kenyon

Meeting Adjourned by Charles White 12:53 pm