Call to order at 12:10 p.m.

Roll Call


President – Liana Walker
Vice-President –(voted in)
Secretary/Treasurer – (voted in)
Membership Officers- James Claiborne
Public Information Officer (North) –(voted in)
Public Information Officer (South) – Jacob Hernandez
Parliamentarian-Casey Cook

Academic Senators: (5 open positions)

Public Service-OPEN
Engineering and Business Technologies-OPEN
Science, Biotechnology, Mathematics, and information Technologies-OPEN
Health and Education – OPEN
Arts and Education – OPEN

Club Senators:


AHR Chillers – Julie Bennett
Art – William Turner
Automotive/Skills USA – Phillip Leonard
CKEC – Prisca Moore
Cosmetology –  Heather King
Education Club – Nicole Hamlin
MISTER – Larry White
PBL – Angelica Mills
PTK – Jessica Driver
Prism – Xavier Evans
Radiography – Carrie Woodie
W.O.W- Tamara Davis


Criminal Justice
Dental Assisting

Approval of Minutes:

August 22, 2017 – SGA General Business Meeting Minutes stood as approved Reports


President’s Report- Liana Walker
Summary of July and August Events, Meeting with Dr. Spalding, Board of Trustees’ Meeting, Solar Project.

Unfinished Business:

(Vice President) voted in – Savannah Phillips Motion passed
(Public Information Officer) voted in – Xcaret Cruz Ramirez (Rowan County) Motion passed
(Secretary/ Treasurer) voted in – Kayona Obregon Motion passed

New Business:

Motion to approve the purchase of items for Hurricane Harvey Victims. The top 3 items from the NAVsync poll will be purchased. Is there any discussion about the suggested amounts listed in the motion? ($100, $150, $200) Motion Passed. $200 worth of supplies will be sent to Hurricane Harvey Victims.

Club Reports:

AHR Chiller- Senator attended the summer Senate Chillers Club Executive Committee met Wednesday, 16 August for their initial organizational monthly meeting which addressed lottery events, student meetings, fundraisers, charter paperwork, club constitution, swearing in of members and additional upcoming events significant to AHR Program and ASHRAE Student Chapter. Chillers Club student meetings were held during the week of Monday, 21 August through Saturday, 26 August. Students vote on various items such as: (a) voting to spend up to $200 for providing 10 student memberships to join ASRAE; (b) NAVsync training conducted by Club Senator, Julie Bennett; (c) students approved of spending $100 on 10 $10, gas gift cards to give to students attending the daytime and evening student meeting each month during the fall semester; discussed annual food events such as upcoming 4th Annual CBTC Chili Cook-off and providing prizes for student winners (which will be voted on during September meetings) and the upcoming 13th Annual AHR Program Thanksgiving Meals; and additional ideas; Explained how the club works as related to SkillsUSA participation, ASHRAE student Chapter membership, and how this club is for the students and about the student and what they want to make of it. Encouraged student participation and volunteering and making suggestions.

Art Club – As SGA repress active for the Art and Design Club, I will relay the questions our president, Geddi Monroe to ask. A) Are we totally in control of setting how many meetings our group members must attend to remain a member? Is there a guideline/ Quota SGA Requires? B) Is there a budget delegated to every group? Is it a big pot the clubs all pull from?
Automotive/Skills USA –Talked about making SkillsUSA instead of RCCC Automotive club got the nurses an board with us. Talked about bring in the art folk in as well to RCCC skills. Talked about ways of fundraise plus came up with a food drive among other things.

CKEC (Cabarrus/Kannapolis Early College) – CKEC is finish up the planning of our day of caring and starting out Hunger Drive event. We are also teaming up with the SOAR Program on out campus and we will be working with their students on different activities as our service project. Lastly we will be planning a “Souper Bowl” event where people will be able to come and get soup, they just have to bring their own bowl and all we ask is a small donation.

Cosmetology – Cosmetology is kicking off for fall! Completed both campus service and community service projects. Went over and finalized club constitution. Completed ice breaker activity and truth or lie drill to get to know each other better. Spoke what to expect as well as went over student concerns. Still have three events in September for SGA. Pushed back outside places to visit with club members. Still entertaining the idea of the haunting and will have locked down a decision by 9/21/17.

*Criminal Justice Association- Absent- No report

*Dental Assisting – Absent- No report

Education Club- The Education club at RCCC will be havening their first meeting on Monday September 18, 2017. At this meeting we will discuss budgets community service projects and fall festival.

L.I.F.T. – Absent- No report

M.I.S.T.E.R. – The MISTER Club meets the second Wednesday on North Campus and the second Thursday on South Campus information is posted on NAVsync. The MISTER Club has just appointed two of our officers. James Claiborne, President, and Larry White, Senator. In October The MISTER Club win be hosting a Financial Aid and Advising Workshop.

Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) – NC Regional Kick off meeting at Stanley on September 21st from 1:00-4:00pm. Lottery Event: Global Distinction and Constitution Day. Community service planning meetings planned for the month of September.

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) – PTK has held its first meeting at NCRC with all three teacher advisors. By next meeting, we will vote for new officers. The executive board will meet to vote on service projects proposed at general meeting. The next society meeting is Friday, October 6th at 1:00-3:00pm.

Prism- Prism kicked off with their first meeting of the fall semester on September 7, 2017. We do have partial of an executive board, but as of right now we are focused on finishing our constitutive as well as find community and campus service project for the fall semester. We are currently working on an upcoming event for the semester.

Radiography- During our meeting, we discussed ideas about Fall Fest. We will take a vote on a later date. We held a discussion on our community service project. We are working on getting together a dinner to honor local veterans in our community.

RCEC –. The RCEC club had their first meeting on the 14th of August and two other meeting proceeding the Mondays following. We are in the midst of starting our coupon book fund raiser and are looking to plan our next school dance within the following month.

Rotaract – Absent- No report

Student Nursing Association (SNA) – Absent- No report Veterans Club – Absent- No report

Welding – Absent- No report

W.O.W –Wow is about to have our second meeting for the semester we went to a body imaging conference down UNCC August 26th, 2017. We had an awesome time. We also had a briefing on the conference on September 6, 2017. Our meeting is September 20, 2017.

Gas Card Winners:
(South Campus) Xavier Evans
(North Campus) Savannah Phillips