Check out the new books in the Library this month!
Adapting early childhood curricula for children with special needs / Ruth
E. Cook, M. Diane Klein, Annette Tessier.
LC 4019.2 .C66 2008
An American plague : the true and terrifying story of the yellow fever
epidemic of 1793 / by Jim Murphy.
RA 644 .Y4 M875 2003
Black love and the Harlem Renaissance : (the novels of Nella Larsen,
Jessie Redmon Fauset, and Zora Neale Hurston) : an essay in African
American literary criticism / Portia Boulware Ransom.
PS 153 .N5 R36 2005
Bubbles, rainbows, and worms : science experiments for preschool children
/ [Sam Ed Brown].
LB 1140.5 .S35 B76 2004
Bud, not Buddy / Christopher Paul Curtis.
PZ 7.C94137 1999
Carolina cradle : settlement of the northwest Carolina frontier, 1747-1762
/ Robert W. Ramsey.
F 262 .R3 1964
Central, South & Southeast Asia / editor, Michael Shally-Jensen, PhD.
DS 33 .C46 2015
Click, clack, splish, splash : a counting adventure / by Doreen Cronin and
Betsy Lewin.
PZ 8.3 .C879 Cl 2006
Creative writing demystified / Shelia Bender.
PE 1408 .B474 2011
Deliverance / Warner Bros. ; produced and directed by John Boorman ;
screenplay by James Dickey.
PN 1997 D595 2001
A dictionary of literary and thematic terms / Edward Quinn.
PN 44.5 .Q56 1999
A dictionary of the Bible / edited by W.R.F. Browning.
BS 440 .B73 2009
Don’t leave the story in the book : using literature to guide inquiry in
early childhood classrooms / Mary Hynes-Berry ; foreword by Jie-Qi Chen.
LB 1139.5 .L58 H96 2012
Early childhood intervention : shaping the future for children with
special needs and their families / Christina Groark, set editor.
LC 4019.2 E25 2011 v.2
Early childhood intervention : shaping the future for children with
special needs and their families / Christina Groark, set editor.
LC 4019.2 E25 2011 v.1
The Egypt game / Zilpha Keatldy Snyder ; drawings by Alton Raible.
PZ 7 .S68522 Eg 1986
Enchantress from the stars / Sylvia Engdahl ; drawings by Rodney Shackell.
PZ 7 .E6985 2001
Encyclopedia of North Carolina / [Frank H. Gille, editor and publisher ;
Nancy Capace, associate editor ; Thomas F. Gille, managing editor].
F 252 .E52 1999 Vol. 1
Ethics, conflicts, and offices : a guide for local officials / A. Fleming
Bell, II.
JA 4136 .B45 1997
The evolution of Calpurnia Tate / Jacqueline Kelly.
PZ 7 .K296184 Evo 2009
Feminist fairy tales / Barbara G. Walker.
PS 3573 .A42516 F46 1996
Fixing climate : what past climate changes reveal about the current
threat–and how to counter it / Wallace S. Broecker and Robert Kunzig.
QC 981.8 .C5 B738 2008
From lullabies to literature stories in the lives of infants and toddlers
Jennifer Birckmayer, Anne Kennedy, and Anne Stonehouse.
LB 1042 .B57 F76 2008
Gay-Neck; the story of a pigeon. Illustrated by Boris Artzybasheff.
QL795 .B57 M8 1954
Good masters! Sweet Ladies! : voices from a medieval village / Laura Amy
Schlitz ; illustrated by Robert Byrd.
PS 3619 .C43 C55 2007
Grendel / John Gardner; illustrated by Emil Antonucci.
PS 3557 .A712 G7 1989
Health, safety, and nutrition activities A to Z / Joanne Matricardi,
Jeanne McLarty.
TX 364 .M38 2008
Hildilid’s night / by Cheli Dur*an Ryan ; illustrated by Arnold Lobel.
PZ 7 .D93 1986
Homicide investigation [videorecording] : protecting, processing &
searching the crime scene / PVN-TV video presentation.
HV 8073 .H66 1992 DVD
House of spies / Daniel Silva.
PS 3619 .I5443 H68 2017
Isfahan Is half the world / Tele Images Creations (Firm).
DS 254.8 I84 2002
It’s all about student learning : managing community and other college
New Books
Produced Friday, September 1, 2017 at 8:00 AM
libraries in the 21st century / edited by David R. Dowell and Gerard B.
Z 675 .J8 I87 2006
Janice VanCleave’s earth science for every kid : 101 easy experiments that
really work / Janice Pratt VanCleave.
QE 29 .V36 1991
Just yesterday : North Carolina people and places / Bruce Roberts.
F 255 .R63 2008
The late show / Michael Connelly.
PS 3553 .O51165 L38 2017
Literacy and the youngest learner : best practices for educators of
children from birth to five / V. Susan Bennett-Armistead, Nell K. Duke,
Annie M. Moses.
LB 1139.5 .L35 B46 2005
The lying game / Ruth Ware.
PR 6123 .A745 L95 2017
The magnificent seven / MGM ; the Mirisch Company presents ; a
Mirisch-Alpha production ; screenplay by William Roberts ; produced and
directed by John Sturges.
PN 1995 .9 .W4 M34 2006
The magnificent seven / MGM ; the Mirisch Company presents ; a
Mirisch-Alpha production ; screenplay by William Roberts ; produced and
directed by John Sturges.
PN 1995 .9 .W4 M34 2006
Minn of the Mississippi / written and illustrated by Holling Clancy
QL 666 .C539 H64 1979
Missing May / by Cynthia Rylant.
PZ 7 .R982 Mi 1993
More than counting : whole math activities for preschool and kindergarten
/ by Sally Moomaw and Brenda Hieronymus.
QA 135.5 .M6153 1995
Much more than counting : more math activities for preschool and
kindergarten / by Sally Moomaw and Brenda Hieronymus.
QA 135.5 .M6154 1999
Norse mythology A to Z : a young reader’s companion / Kathleen N. Daly ;
revised by Marian Rengel.
BL 850 .D34 2003
North by Northwest [videorecording] / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents ;
written by Ernest Lehman ; directed by Alfred Hitchcock.
PN 1995.9 .S87 N6 2000
Notes on nursing : what it is, and what it is not / by Florence
Nightingale ; a facsimile of the first edition published in 1860… ; with
a foreword by Virginia M. Dunbar.
RT 51 N68 1992
The Oxford-Hachette French dictionary : French-English, English-French /
edited by Marie-H*el*ene Corr*eard, Valerie Grundy = ; Le grand
dictionnaire Hachette-Oxford ; fran*cais-anglais, anglais-fran*cais ; sous
la direction *editoriale de Marie-H*el*ene Corr*eard, Valerie Grundy.
PC 2640 .O83 2001
Personhood : the art of being fully human / Leo F. Buscaglia.
BJ 1470 .B8 1978
Preschool art : it’s the process, not the product / by MaryAnn Kohl ;
illustrations by K. Whelan Dery.
LB 1140.5 A7 K64 1994
Prince among slaves / Terry Alford.
E 444 .I25 A78 2007
Quick-guides to inclusion : ideas for educating students with disabilities
/ edited by Michael F. Giangreco & Mary Beth Doyle ; with contributions by
Alfredo J. Artiles … [et al.].
LC 1201 .Q53 2007
Rome : echoes of imperial glory / by the editors of Time-Life Books.
DG 295 R65 1994
Shen of the sea : Chinese stories for children / by Arthur Bowie Chrisman
; illustrated by Else Hasselriis.
PZ 7 .C45 S54 1968
A short history of machine tools [by] L. T. C. Rolt.
TJ 1185 .R63 1965
Showcasing mathematics for the young child : activities for three-, four-,
and five-year-olds / edited by Juanita V. Copley.
QA 135.6 .S49 2004
Sigmund Freud / Pamela Thurschwell.
BF 173 .T555 2000
Size / Peter Patilla.
QA 465 .P345 2001
Snowflake Bentley / Jacqueline Briggs Martin ; illustrated by Mary
QC 858 .B46 M37 1998
Starry messenger : a book depicting the life of a famous scientist,
mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, physicist, Galileo Galilei /
created and illustrated by Peter Sis for Frances Foster Books at Farrar
Straus Giroux, New York.
QB 36 .G S57 1996
Sugaring time / by Kathryn Lasky ; photographs by Christopher G. Knight.
SB 239 .M3 L37 1998
The tale of Peter Rabbit / by Beatrix Potter ; illustrated by David
PZ 7 .P85 1986
Taxi driver [videorecording (DVD)] / [presented by] Columbia Pictures ;
written by Paul Schrader ; produced by Michael Phillips and Julia Phillips
; directed by Martin Scorsese.
PN 1997 T39 1999
Teaching mathematics in early childhood / by Sally Moomaw.
QA 135.5 M6152 2011
PZ 7 .C7878 2002
Uniform billing editor : the ultimate guide to accurate facility claim
HG 9396 U554 2008
United we fall : ending America’s love affair with the political center /
Phil Neisser.
JC 328.2 .N46 2008
Victory over Japan : a book of stories / by Ellen Gilchrist.
PS 3557 .I34258 V5 1984
The Watsons go to Birmingham–1963 / a novel by Christopher Paul Curtis.
PS 8555 .U78 W3 1997
What your preschooler needs to know : read-alouds to get ready for
kindergarten / [edited by] E.D. Hirsch, Jr., Linda Bevilacqua.
LB 1140.5 .R4 W48 2008
Where is Thumbkin? : over 500 activities to use with songs you already
know / by Pam Schiller and Thomas Moore ; illustrations by Cheryl Kirk
Gv 452 S375 1993
Who likes rain? / Wong Herbert Yee.
PZ 8.3 ..D98 1990
Women and authorship in revolutionary America / Angela Vietto.
PS 149 .V54 2005
The Wright brothers : how they invented the airplane / Russell Freedman ;
with original photographs by Wilbur and Orville Wright.
TL 540 .W7 F69 1991
You read to me & I’ll read to you : 20th-century stories to share /
selected by Janet Schulman.
PZ 5 .Y7 2001