Develop An Actionable Marketing Plan

When it comes to marketing, small business owners run the risk of wasting time and money on tactics that don’t work or yield little results.  That’s why a well thought out plan for how you will advertise, use social media, do PR, network and spend on events is so important.  Marketing expert Sherré DeMao takes […]

Basics of Bookkeeping

Gain a workable knowledge of how to properly record financial transactions for your business.  Discover the three most important financial reports and how to use them to make the best-informed business decisions.  If you’re a new business owner or need a refresher on the basics of accounting, this seminar is designed for you. Registration Register […]

How to Write a Business Plan

A business plan can be the most important tool a small business owner has. Learn how to turn your ideas into a solid plan for financing and long-term success. This seminar teaches you the important components of a business plan. Find out how marketing, operations, and finance are interrelated.  Discover how a business plan is […]

The Inside Out of Branding: 4 Key Factors

You are your company’s brand, and how customers experience every aspect of your company is part of that brand. Continue learning with Sherré DeMao as she helps you understand and embrace four key factors of branding that yield powerful, loyalty-building results. Registration Register for This Online Seminar Note – Please register at least 24 hours in advance to be included on the pre-printed […]

Selling on Amazon, Etsy, Ebay and Other Sites

For business owners, expanding reach by setting up shop on recognized selling websites can boost your bottom line. This approach compliments your business website by creating more customers who, in turn, become loyal customers. Learn from Nick Hawks how you can benefit from these selling options, which will enable you to best position your products. […]

Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising can be extremely effective if done right, or it can be very costly if done incorrectly.  How do you create a Facebook ad that will generate sales or get people to your website? How do you track the results of your ad and ensure you’re reaching your target audience?  Social media expert Sue […]

Your Small Business Taxes

Gain a solid understanding of taxes required for small business owners and develop the best tax strategy for your business.  Become familiar with the latest tax forms and procedures.  Discover how everyday business decisions can have tax implications that can affect your bottom line.  This seminar is important for both new and experienced business owners. […]

Create Marketing Materials Using CANVA

Image is everything!  Enhance your business image by creating amazing and professional looking social media posts, flyers, logos, newsletter, business cards, letterhead, presentations and much more!  This seminar, with marketing specialist C. Renae Simon, is designed to walk you through using this simple platform. You’ll be amazed at the professional quality materials you can create.  […]

Google Ad Words – Express

Everyone wants to be at the top of Google Search results, but getting there takes some time and work. The good news is with some wise investment, you can be found by your prospective customers on Google quickly using Google Adwords Express. Join online guru Martin Brossman as he shows you how to set up […]

How To Market Your Website

Learn creative ways to increase visitors to your business website and entice customers to buy. This seminar helps you understand important techniques such as where to place keywords, how to link to local businesses and how to benefit from testimonials and influencers. Join online marketing specialist Jennifer Lee in this insightful session on ways to […]