Call to order by Tereysha Robles at 12:23

Roll Call


President – Tereysha Robles (present)

Vice-President – Open

Secretary/Treasurer – Open

Membership Officer – Daphne Moore (present)

Public Information Officer (North) – Open

Public Information Officer (South) – Roa Saleh ( present)

Parleamentarian – Open

Academic Senators: (5 Open Positions)

Public Service

Engineering and Business Technologies

Science, Biotechnology, Mathematics, and information Technologies

Liberal Arts and Education

Health and Education

Club Senators:


Automotive/Skills USA– Jeremy Morris

CKEC (Cabarrus/Kannapolis Early College)– Ashley Daniels

Cosmetology–Allison Cameron

Dental Assisting–Madison McGlamery

Health and Fitness–Sarah Fide

L.I.F.T.–Enoch Walker

M.I.S.T.E.R.–Jwon White

Phi Beta Lambda (PBL)—Katelyn Collier

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)—Brittany Martin

Prism–Emily Faust

Radiography–Courtney McGhee

RCEC (Rowan Early College)—Tierra Graham

Rotaract—Kaylee Linthicum

Welding—Ron Reasons

Veterans Club–Carlos Diaz


AHR Chillers

Racing Club

Social Impact

Women Obtaining Wisdom (W.O.W,)

Approval of Minutes:

The minutes from the April 7, 2015 Business Meeting were read and approved.


SGA President’s Report-Tereysha Robles

Amp Camp Leadership Retreat – Report given by Daphne Moore

SGA officers and several students in a leadership position had the opportunity to attend Amp Camp Leadership Retreat to get to know each other better before the school year.  We also met other students in leadership positions from other colleges. This was a great opportunity to collaborate, share ideas and grow as a team.

SGA President’s Meeting with College President, Dr. Carol Spalding

We discussed my role as an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees’. We also discussed 2015-2016 College Initiatives (SACS, QEP-Career Guidance, Construction, Advanced Technology Center planning).

  • Sept 21-25 – Student leaders and student groups help with hospitality and information. QEP Focus-S.E.E.K.
  • Local/County Updates:
    • November City Council Elections- We will help with a candidate forum on October 15 at Catawba College for Salisbury candidates. Nothing has been planned yet for other municipalities.
    • Statewide Legislative Updates:
      • Help support the State Bond Issue 2016 (possibility)
      • Possible campaign-student ID as a voting ID; serving as a voting location- need to get students to register to vote
      • Student participation on the college’s legislative committee
      • If the increase in Tuition happens in fall 2015, the college will reach in its pocket through the foundation to cover the $4/credit hour increase

Title III Grant Committee

  • Academic Coaching will be available for students in the future (Mrs. Katina Winkey in advising center)
  • Ms. Winkey and the SGA President will meet to discuss student perspectives of the program in order to better serve students

Board of Trustees’ Meeting- August 31, 2015

  • SGA President holds an ex-officio seat on the board. This means the SGA President cannot vote but is able to voice the opinion and concerns of the student body. The first meeting was held on August 31, 2015. New faculty members were introduced along with student ambassadors
  • The State Board of Community Colleges, President and RCCC Trustees are asking state leaders to put forth a bond proposal that better reflects the contributions of our 58 colleges to the citizens, businesses and economy of North Carolina
  • Mr. Markantonakis, Associate VP of Academic Programs gave a brief presentation on S.E.E.K. our college’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

Unfinished Business


New Business

Election of Executive officers

  • Officer nominations and elections- There are four SGA Executive Board positions that open—Vice-President, Parliamentarian, Secretary/Treasurer, Public Information Officer- North
  • Tereysha Robles, President, introduced Charles White & Moises Garcia as candidates for the Vice-President Position and Moises Garcia for the Parliamentarian.  Daphne Moore had applied for a position as well but was not present at the meeting. Charles and Moises made short speeches and then left the meeting room in order to allow the meeting participants to vote
  • Results of voting- For the Vice-President position; Charles White- 5 votes in favor. Moises Garcia- 2 votes in favor
  • For the Parliamentarian position; Moises Garcia received 9 votes in favor and 1 abstention.  Congratulations to Charles White as SGA Vice President and Moises Garcia as Parliamentarian

Due to technical difficulties, no other new business was brought to the floor. An executive board meeting was called by SGA President, Tereysha Robles. The following items will be brought to the floor at this meeting:

  • POW MIA flag proposal ($250.00)
  • 2015-2016 SGA Budget (1st Reading)
  • 2015 Golf Classic Sponsorship ($500)
  • Election of remaining Executive officers

Called Executive Board Meeting- Need ¾ attendance to meet quorum. Friday September 18, 2015-Executive Board Meeting from 12-1.

Club Reports:

AHR Chillers

No Report

Automotive/Skills USA

Everything is going well for the automotive skills USA. The Welcome back event on North campus went very well thanks to the health and fitness and welding club for partnering during this event. We expect the blood drive on September 9 to go well as well.

CKEC (Cabarrus/Kannapolis Early College)

My Club is currently fulfilling our Acts of Kindness as well as planning put annual Fall Dance. We are also preparing for our can food drive.


First meeting on September 18, 2015 to cover: new officers, agenda for the semester, coverage for upcoming events, basic club responsibility.

Dental Assisting

Our club participated in the event downtown Salisbury in August. We have 2 days planned to do Random Acts of Kindness of this month, the next day us planned on September 16, 2015, where we will be handing out goodie bags, tooth brushes, and dental floss to people on campus.

Health and Fitness Club

Met with advisors and set a date for the first club meeting. First meeting will be September 23, 2015.


Health 101 articles, we had our first meeting August 27, 2015. Lord willing, we hope to have our next meeting Wednesday, September 16, 2015.


M.I.S.T.E.R club meets on the first and third Thursdays from 12-1 p.m. on north campus.

Phi Beta Lambda (PBL)

PBL has been hard at work so far this year. Our first meeting will be held on September 17th on North campus during the designated hour. The officers were elected at the end of the school year: Katelyn Collier-President, Pamela Grubb-Vice President, and Brandon Brock-Public Relations Specialist. Pamela Grubb has also been chosen as the club senator. PBL has been throwing out ideas about the community service projects on and off campus, but nothing has been set in stone as of right now. PBL’s main focus is recruitment. Only 3 members carried over from last year but we are going into it with positivity. At our upcoming meeting we are giving away a $25 gas card in hopes to bring in some potential members.

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)

PTK meeting August 20, 2015. All officers’ attended and 2 members. PTK awareness Sept 14-18 on North and South Campuses.


We have been working on our constitution. Meeting times are “iffy” because I (Emily Faust) do not know my peers at south campus and NCRC campus. We need to meet up and get emails. Currently, we have a group message board through Facebook.  Our club is currently working on a pamphlet, just wanted to know if there was a deadline.

Racing Club

Getting all the parts together to start the build.


The RAD club will be voting on a community project and a campus project during the month of September. Once voted on the projects will be implemented during fall semester.


Held Early College ice cream social on August 25, 2015. Meetings are held Monday Morning at 8:30am. Planning fall dance November 6. Selling coupon books for fundraiser. Working two events in the month of September as well as submitting articles for the month of October.


Rotaract plans to have a “welcome back” meeting, greeting new and old members to the club. At this meeting we will discuss our plans for this semester and what events members can attend. This meeting is scheduled for September 22nd.

Social Impact

No Report

Student Nursing Association (SNA)

No Report


The club is great! Just got approximately 17 new members. Currently we are re-working projects from Skills USA to auction in order to raise funds for FAB-TECH. Just getting members to be active through positive encouragement.

Women Obtaining Wisdom (W.O.W.)

No Report.

Veterans Club

We have elected officers and are proceeding as a new charter. We will have a club meeting on September 18, 2015. We had 4 members attend the SGA meeting. 

Gas Card Winners:

North: Emily Faust
South: Amika Hughes

Adjourned by Tereysha Robles at 1:01 p.m.