Minority Male Success Initiative

The Minority Male Success Initiative (MMSI) is a unique program geared specifically for minority males who attend Rowan-Cabarrus. The purpose of MMSI is to increase retention and college completion rates of minority males. The central goal is to help students be successful in their collegiate career at Rowan-Cabarrus, and produce graduates with high academic achievement and preparedness for transfer and/or employment. MMSI will also create a brotherhood among its participants that supports and expects excellence academically, socially and professionally.

The program will have an established cohort of 30 students each semester (fall and spring). The cohort model will allow for a much more personalized approach to advising and student engagement. Students will be placed in program cohorts based on their semester of entry. Upon acceptance into the program, MMSI students will have specific expectations.


Please complete a formal application of interest. Once applications are reviewed, applicants will receive a detailed email about next steps, expectations, semester events, and other important information.

Program Services

Program services include but are not limited to:

  • Faculty/Staff, Alumni and Community Mentorship
  • Specialized Career and Academic Advising
  • Academic and Life-Skills Workshops
  • Financial Advisement
  • Community Service
  • Cultural Awareness
  • Leadership and Professional Development
  • Network and Relationship Building
  • Social Events
  • Student Leadership Opportunities
  • Navigate U
  • Brotherhood Kickoff
  • Lunch and Learns/Dinner and Dialogues

Student Expectations


Attend three out of the eight MMSI program events per academic year


Meet with their assigned advisor at least twice a semester


Have an active academic plan in Navigate


Meet with MMSI staff at least twice a semester to check in on progress


Attend at least one M.I.S.T.E.R. Club event per semester

Program Events


Tuesday January 24- Creating Legends and Cocoa
When it is all said and done. How do you want people to remember you? What legacy do you want to leave behind? How can you start now? Drop by and write your vision while creating an ultimate hot cocoa delight. Our treat.
South Campus 12 p.m.-2 p.m. S201 Main Lobby
Grant Objective One: Increase Minority Male Student First-Year Persistence
Grant Objective Three: Increase Minority Male Student Engagement

Thursday January 26- Healthy Brothers
It’s getting COLD out! Noses are running and the common cold, flu, strep, even the familiar COVID-19 are still creeping their way into our bodies. To add stress and responsibilities don’t stop. Let’s be proactive this semester. On your way to your next class come by the Student Wellness Center and pick up a Men’s self-care kit and information on how to remain healthy.
Student Wellness Center 12 p.m.- 2 p.m. Building S201 Room 215
Grant Objective Three: Increase Minority Male Student Engagement


Man, Cave Monday- MMSI Interest Meeting
February 6, 2023 (Starting on the Right Path) 10 a.m.- 11 a.m.
Virtual: https://rccc-edu.zoom.us/j/92596310930
Grant Objective Three: Increase Minority Male Student Engagement
Grant Objective One: Increase Minority Male Student First-Year Persistence

MMSI Interest Meeting
Tuesday February 21, 2023
North Campus N105 (Student Center) 12 p.m.- 1:30 p.m.
Virtual 5:30-6:30pm Link: https://rccc-edu.zoom.us/j/93233715033
This an opportunity for interested community college students to visit the booth or virtual space to learn about the benefits of the MMSI program. Participants in addition will learn how to apply for said program.
Grant Objective One: Increase Minority Male Student First-Year Persistence
Grant Objective Two: Increase Minority Male Completion
Grant Objective Three: Increase Minority Male Student Engagement

MMSI Ignite Series “Understanding the Assignment”
Thursday February 23, 2023
South Campus Room: Building S201 Room 225
6 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
An opportunity for students in MMSI and minority males attending Rowan-Cabarrus to engage in dinner and dialogue with minority male figures within the College and local community to discuss the importance setting up your foundation for success.
RSVP at https://forms.office.com/r/k9G8dEi4py
Grant Objective One: Increase Minority Male Student First-Year Persistence
Grant Objective Two: Increase Minority Male Completion
Grant Objective Three: Increase Minority Male Student Engagement


What is your Superpower? Finding & Identifying Your Strengths
Tuesday March 16, 2023
5:30 p.m.-7 p.m.
South Campus Room: Building S201 Room 225
This program is a first step for students in building self-confidence. Students will bring completed strengths-finder questionnaire and discuss their findings. Students will discuss the importance of this new finding and how they can apply it to personal, academic, and professional life. MMSI students will receive their StrengthQuest book by e-mailing christopher.foote@rccc.edu
RSVP at https://forms.office.com/r/Ac7WFUzaEZ
Grant Objective One: Increase Minority Male Student First-Year Persistence
Grant Objective Two: Increase Minority Male Completion
Grant Objective Three: Increase Minority Male Student Engagement

 Say Less “Let’s Level Up” Cover Letter, Resume, & Internships
Tuesday March 21, 2023
12 p.m.-1:30 p.m.
South Campus Room: Building S201 Room 103 (computer lab)
This workshop will assist students in learning and/or revising their resume and cover letters. Students will also get a better understanding on the importance of internships.
Guest Presenters:  Mr. Howard Byrd & Mr. Jay Butler
RSVP at https://forms.office.com/r/Whvu2P8usZ
Grant Objective Two: Increase Minority Male Completion

Men of Color National Summit
Date: Monday-Wednesday March 27-29 2022
Greenville, SC
An opportunity for male minority students to attend program intended to educate and empower. Students will travel with coordinator and director.
*By invitation only*
Grant Objective One: Increase Minority Male Student First-Year Persistence
Grant Objective Two: Increase Minority Male Completion
Grant Objective Three: Increase Minority Male Student Engagement


Man, Cave Monday (Lead or Be Led-Leadership Skills)
April 3, 2023
10 a.m.- 11 a.m.
Virtual https://rccc-edu.zoom.us/j/92596310930
In collaboration with Student Life and Leadership (?)
Grant Objective One: Increase Minority Male Student First-Year Persistence
Grant Objective Two: Increase Minority Male Completion
Grant Objective Three: Increase Minority Male Student Engagement

Planning Ahead: Academic Planning and Registration
Tuesday April 11, 2023
Virtual and/or South Campus
10 a.m.-12 p.m. Building S201 Room 103 (computer lab)
4:30 p.m.-6 p.m. (virtual)
This is an opportunity for MMSI students to work with an advisor to develop an academic plan and to register for summer and/or fall classes. Please check your student email for specifics.
Grant Objective One: Increase Minority Male Student First-Year Persistence
Grant Objective Two: Increase Minority Male Completion

College Hill Tour: Reloaded – Campus Tour and visit to the North Carolina Central University (NCCU) Men’s Achievement Center
Friday April 14, 2023
10 a.m.-4 p.m.
North Carolina Central University
This is an opportunity for students to travel to NCCU and visit the campus in addition to be inspired by other men of color to reach their highest potential academically and personally.
RSVP at https://forms.office.com/r/nWchL9hy5z
Grant Objective One: Increase Minority Male Student First-Year Persistence
Grant Objective Two: Increase Minority Male Completion


Man, Cave Monday (Mental Health Awareness Month Conversation)
May 1, 2023
10 a.m.- 11 a.m.
Virtual: https://rccc-edu.zoom.us/j/91665606446
Grant Objective One: Increase Minority Male Student First-Year Persistence
Grant Objective Two: Increase Minority Male Completion
Grant Objective Three: Increase Minority Male Student Engagement

MMSI Achievers Celebration
Thursday May 11, 2023
6 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
South Campus S201 Room 225
MMSI students will celebrate a successful semester and be recognized for meeting program requirements. Students in the program will be allowed to invite up to three guests to celebrate with them. *MMSI participants only-more detailed to follow via student email*
Grant Objective One: Increase Minority Male Student First-Year Persistence
Grant Objective Two: Increase Minority Male Completion
Grant Objective Three: Increase Minority Male Student Engagement

Meet the MMSI Team