
Estimated Cost Per Semester for Radiography Program

Associate Degree Radiography program costs by semester are listed below. This includes general education courses as listed in the programs of study of the college catalog.

First Semester (Fall)

Expense Cost
Tuition (16H: MAT) $1,216
Student Activity Fee $34
Campus Access Fee $20
Radiography Program Fee** $320
Books/Computer $1,020/$400
Technology Fee $48
Graduation Fee $7
Total (of above fees only) $2,665
Entrance Testing Fee $100
Immunizations & MD Physical Variable due to insurance, copay, & deductibles

Second Semester (Spring)

Expense Cost
Tuition (19H) $1,216
Student Activity Fee $34
Radiography Program Fee** $320
Campus Access Fee $20
Technology Fee $48
Books $270
Graduation Fee $7
Total $1,915

Third Semester (Summer)

Expense Cost
Tuition (7H) $532
Student Activity Fee $15
Campus Access Fee $20
Technology Fee $48
Radiography Program Fee** $320
Books $130
Graduation Fee $7
Total $1,072

Fourth Semester (Fall)

Expense Cost
Tuition (15H) $1,140
Student Activity Fee $34
Campus Access Fee $20
Radiography Program Fee** $320
Technology Fee $48
Books $275
Graduation Fee $7
Total $1,844

Fifth Semester (Spring)

Expense Cost
Tuition (16H) $1,216
Student Activity Fee $34
Campus Access Fee $20
Radiography Program Fee** $320
Technology Fee $48
Books/Online Access Fees $200
Graduation Fee $7
Total $1,845

Total Estimated Program Cost  $9,341*

*This cost does not include travel expenses. Travel to clinical sites and second shift rotations are a requirement during the program.
**Radiography Program Fee includes: Kettering Test Prep, Liability insurance, ARRT registry, uniforms, Clinical Management System, drug/background tests, and lab fees.

Revised May 2021