LinkedIn for Your Business

LinkedIn has become a preferred space for small business owners.  Find out why in this seminar with Nick Hawks.  Learn how to create a compelling online presence that will attract customers.  Discover the best ways to make connections, how to stay in-front of your audience, position yourself as an expert and how to increase your […]

Getting Started with WordPress

A functional website is a must for small business owners.  Learn how to use WordPress, the  popular and powerful free website creation tool. Teresa Broadway gives you the "how-to" of building your website using WordPress. Registration Register for This Online Seminar Note – Please register at least 24 hours in advance to be included on […]

Making an Offer They Can’t Refuse

Learn the art of selling your product, your service and yourself. Contrary to popular opinion, selling isn’t as much about gimmicks, presentations and sales speeches as it is about listening and getting to know what your customer really wants. Learn valuable skills on how to listen to the customer and communicate clearly the benefits of […]

Your Small Business Taxes

Gain a solid understanding of taxes required for small business owners and develop the best tax strategy for your business.  Become familiar with the latest tax forms and procedures.  Discover how everyday business decisions can have tax implications that can affect your bottom line.  This seminar is important for both new and experienced business owners. […]

Using Instagram to Gain and Retain More Business

With the surge in visual marketing to attract customers and enhance sales, learn how Instagram can expand your market potential. Martin Brossman, will share ideas on how you can “go visual” for maximum impact on this popular platform that has more than 500 million daily active users. Registration Register for This Online Seminar Note – […]

Choosing a Business Entity

Which legal structure is best for your business—Sole Proprietorship, S-Corporation, Partnership, LLC?  Choosing the right business entity is an important step in forming your business.  Know the right questions to ask when choosing a legal structure and understand the benefits and disadvantages of each. Registration Register for This Online Seminar Note – Please register at […]

Thinking About Starting a Food Business?

Learn about the various opportunities to start a food business including catering, food trucks, making food products and more. Food business consultant Dani Black, who has “cooked, served, and managed in food service for over thirty years,” will share her experiences and offer tips. Registration Register for This Online Seminar Note – Please register at […]

Vlogging for Business Success

Small business owners find that vlogging, or video blogging, is a cost-effective way to attract and interact with customers.  Discover how vlogging can drive visibility and increase online engagement. If you haven’t joined the vlogging world yet, Ja’Net Adams will give you the step-by-step for getting started. Don’t let being camera shy stop you from […]

Customer Service Essentials for Small Business Owners

In today’s tough competitive climate your business must be customer-oriented with strong “people skills” in order to succeed. Get the best tips to communicate professionalism, strengthen customer relationships and secure a competitive advantage through customer service excellence. Registration Register for This Online Seminar Note – Please register at least 24 hours in advance to be […]

The Ultimate Marketing Roadmap for Your Food Business

Whether you’re just starting a food business, or have been a food entrepreneur for years, figuring out how to get the word out is always a challenge. Join food business coach Jill Willett as she walks you through six key areas of marketing that will dramatically improve your ability to reach potential customers. Also discover […]