Transfer Center

College Transfer Programs at Rowan-Cabarrus

While many degrees at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College transfer to 4-year institutions, there are six degrees that are considered college transfer degree programs. Students must earn the grade of “C” or better in all courses taken at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College in order to be eligible to transfer.

    Students collaborating on laptop in student center

    Associate in Arts (A.A.)

    Student with arm brace takes notes during class

    Associate in Arts in Teacher Preparation (A.A.T.P.)

    Students collaborating on laptop in student center

    Associate in Engineering (A.E.)

    Students collaborating on laptop in student center

    Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts (A.F.A.-VA)

    Student with arm brace takes notes during class

    Associate in Science (A.S.)

    Students collaborating on laptop in student center

    Associate in Science in Teacher Preparation (A.S.T.P.)