
Off-Campus Database Access

Login box showing proper login for students

Many of the Library’s resources are available online, 24/7! However, most of the databases, electronic journals, and e-books are Rowan-Cabarrus-restricted: only current faculty, students, and staff can access them from off-campus. Simply start from the Library website and click on the resource you want and you should be prompted for your credentials when it is needed.

You must log in with your eligible Rowan-Cabarrus network ID. Students use their Blackboard credentials. Faculty/Staff use their workstation network credentials. Forgot your Password?

Off-Campus Access and Cookies

Off-campus access uses cookies to keep track of your session so that you don’t have to log in again to access new resources. This service will not work if your browser does not accept cookies. These cookies contain only your session key and expire when you close your browser. No personal information is stored by this service. It complies with the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College’s Privacy Policy.

Are you trying to connect from your place of work?

If you are connecting to Rowan-Cabarrus databases from a corporation, hospital campus, or government office, there may be a firewall in place that prevents you from using a proxy server. Corporate sites often employ firewalls and may be highly restrictive in what their employees can access. If a corporate firewall prevents access, users will not be able to access the off-campus service. Most Internet Service Providers do not limit the areas their users can access on the Internet, so home users do not tend to encounter problems with firewalls.

If you are still unable to access the databases after following the instructions above, please contact the library staff at 704-216-3613 or by email.