VA Cost of Attendance

Financial Aid

Cost of Attendance


Rowan-Cabarrus has a tuition and fees webpage, as well as a tuition calculator on the College website. A full listing of all programs can be found in our college catalog.

Certificate – 2 semesters full-time status (12 hours)

Certificates can vary from 12-18 SCH hours (other exceptions listed below), the below is based on the highest of 18 hours.

Tuition & Fees* Books
$1,444.00 (Fall) $600.00 (Fall)
$1,444.00 (Spring) $600.00 (Spring)
$2,888.00 $1,200.00
Total for Certificate: $4,088.00

*Fees might be more for certain classes with exclusive fees.


Esthetics Certificate

Program website
Average tuition $1,270, average textbook cost $470, kit cost $892
Estimated total cost – $2,327

Diploma – 3 Semesters full time status (12 hours)

Diplomas can vary from 36-42 SCH hours (other exceptions listed below), the below is based on the highest 42 SCH.

Tuition & Fees* Books
$1,009.00 (Fall) $600.00 (Fall)
$1,009.00 (Spring) $600.00 (Spring)
$990.00 (Summer) $600.00 (Summer)
$3,008.00 $1,800.00
Total for Diploma: $4,808.00

*Fees might be more for certain classes with exclusive fees.


Cosmetology Diploma

47 credit hours
Program website
Estimated tuition total $3,656, textbook cost $464, kit cost :

Cosmetology Kit Cost

COS 112  – $1,459
COS 114 – $322
COS 116 – $68
COS 118 – $120
COS 223 – $140
COS 240 – $120

These are estimated prices and are subject to change.

Estimated total cost – $6,213

Dental Assisting Diploma

3 semesters
Program website

Tuition & Fees* Books
$1,786.00 (Fall) $440.00 (Fall)
$1,773.00 (Spring) $325.00 (Spring)
$840.00 (Summer) $0 (Summer)
$4,399.00 $765.00
Total for Diploma: $5,639.00

*Student Type Fees include: uniforms, shoes, ADAA membership, nitrous oxide course, model, etc.
Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) optional $475

Associate Degree – 5 Semesters full time status (12 hours)

Associate degrees can vary from 60-74 SCH hours, the below is based on a standard transfer program of 60 SCH.

Tuition & Fees* Books
$1,009.00 (Fall) $600.00 (Fall)
$1,009.00 (Spring) $600.00 (Spring)
$990.00 (Summer) $600.00 (Summer)
$1,009.00 (Fall) $600.00 (Fall)
$1,009.00 (Spring) $600.00 (Spring)
$5,026.00 $3,000.00
Total for Diploma: $8,026.00

*Fees might be more for certain classes with exclusive fees.