Health Occupations Programs

Medical Terminology

Medical Terminology is a 120-hour online Con Ed class. The class encompasses both Med Term I and Med Term II within the 16 weeks of instruction.

This course in an introduction to the study of the structure of medical words and terms. Emphasis is placed on spelling and defining commonly used prefixes, suffixes, root words, their combining forms and body organization. Program content covers the basic human anatomy and physiology for all systems, laboratory medicine, pharmacology, elements of medical terms and names of major diseases, including terms used in physical exams, operative procedures and diagnosis.

Medical Terminology is a prerequisite for Medical Coding Certificate course starting Fall 2018. Students that satisfactorily complete the Medical Terminology course will have the option on the curriculum side to sit for a credit by exam test. Once that is completed, the CEUs for Continuing Education credit will convert over to curriculum credits for the student. The final exam is only provided on a Rowan-Cabarrus campus in one of our secure testing centers.

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For More Information

Email for course details and 704-216-3742 for registration assistance.